LCC Statement of Common Faith

As an interdenominational, multicultural church we believe in honoring the diversity of our people and the breadth of orthodoxy by leaning into the motto, “In essentials unity; in non-essentials liberty; in all things love.” We want to agree as a community on the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and we want to allow room for varied opinions on other issues. And even in matters of disagreement, we want to lock arms as a loving and unified body of Christ. We affirm the ancient creeds of the church including The Apostles’ Creed. We see the following as essentials of the Christian faith:

GOD – We believe in one God, Creator of all things, who exists eternally as a Trinity of persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

JESUS – We believe Jesus Christ our Lord is the eternal Son of God, truly human and truly God.

HOLY SPIRIT – We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God and is fully divine. The Holy Spirit works to transform followers of Jesus from the inside out. The Spirit empowers all people with gifts in order for them to strengthen the Church and be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.

BIBLE – We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are divinely inspired and are the supreme authority under God for Christian believing and living; Jesus Christ is the norm by which we interpret Scripture.

HUMANITY – We believe God created people in His image. Because of sin, every person is in desperate need of God’s grace, forgiveness and transforming love.

SALVATION – We believe the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus reconciled people to God. We become new creations and enter into a right relationship with God by grace through faith in Jesus.

KINGDOM OF GOD — We believe this is the primary teaching of Jesus. It is God’s dream for this world come true. It is made up of all of the spaces of creation where King Jesus reigns. It exists in the present and is continually growing to fullness in the future.

MISSION – We believe Jesus sends His followers on a mission to invite people to be reconciled to God. Included in this mission is partnering with God to see God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

CHURCH – We believe following Jesus is intended to be a communal practice by all people experiencing the salvation of Christ joining together in the mission of God. The church is a primary means of God’s continuing work in the world. The local church is a singular expression of this community.

ETERNITY – We believe one day Jesus will return to earth to raise the dead, and judge all people at which point everyone will face the perfect love and perfect justice of God.

Core Values of LCC

A sermon series on our core values is available here.

  • Believing Jesus loves all people, we desire to be a diverse family of faith welcoming people home into our community.

  • Believing the Holy Spirit desires to work transformation in lives, we desire to see people begin a relationship with Jesus, grow spiritually, experience the empowerment of the Holy Spirit and be equipped to serve inside the church and out in the world.

  • Believing Jesus desires peace for our body, soul and spirit; we long to be a space of sanctuary for those who need respite before returning to their vocation with Christ. This is a space to breath not escape. We desire to welcome people into Jesus’ invitation to rest and renewal.

  • Believing all Christians are missionaries, we desire to send out missionaries to bring transformation through the good news of Jesus into all of the world — our neighbors and the nations. 

  • Believing the church of Jesus is bigger than LCC, we desire to be a conduit for the work of the Kingdom of God by bringing together different churches in cooperation and supporting the work of our ministry partners.